Monday, June 2, 2008

5th IPM Undergraduate Studies on the Literature & Culture of the English Speaking World July 21st and 22nd, 2009. UPEL Maturín Campus, Venezuela


Convention Theme: We hope our 5th IPM Undergraduate Studies on the Literature & Culture of the English Speaking World will be an opportunity for both teachers and students to reconnect and conferenciate about Literature of the English Speaking Countries! We invite paper submissions on a wide range of topics and suggestions for discussion. Some possible areas include:

Critical tendencies/pedagogical approaches in retrospect.
Pedagogical approaches to difference in the classroom.
Literature and Linguistic.
Postcolonial Literature.
Afro-American Literature.
Approaches to teaching culture.
Cultural studies.
Forging interdisciplinary connections.
Literature of the English speaking World.
Literature & Education.
Literature & in the EFL classroom.

Abstract and Paper Information: Please submit a 250-word abstract as soon as possible, by July 15th at the latest, via e-mail. On a separate page please include the following information: Title of your presentation, name, e-mail address, institution and phone number. Abstract may be sent to either MSc. Pedro Aguilera V. ( or MSc. Juana Sagaray C. ( You can also submit you paper at UPEL-IPM, Department of Foreign Language (Office 6-C), South Boulevard, and Maturín- Monagas State. Papers must be sent in English and should not exceed a reading period of twenty minutes (8 pages) in order to allow sufficient time for discussion.

Registration: Registration fees are 20,00 BsF for students and 40,00 BsF for professionals. Deposits made out to our conference must be received with a cut-off date of July 15th , 2009. Bank Fees must be paid directly into the following bank account: Banco Mercantil – Cuenta Corriente - N°: 1687069034 addressed to: UPEL-IPM . Please, as soon as the deposit is made sent us an e-mail with your full name, ID number and deposit number and/or a SMS to 0416-4315011 / 0414-8303487 or an e-mail to or

All conference activities will take place at the “Auditorium Libertadores de América” at the IPM campus. We have reserved a block of rooms for this event at the following rates. Please call to reserve your room as soon as possible or let us know if you desire any other hotel accommodation. Please follow this link in order to read the block of rooms: